Martin Logan 13A's with Rel subs? A match?

Hi , has anyone with the 13A's have them hooked up to REL subs? How do they sound? Was it a satisfactory jump? Are you using a single sub or a pair?

Was it easy to hookup? and how did you ground the negative wire on your amp? Floating? Chassis? etc





thanks. can you recommend any particular sub? or manufacturer?

If you can’t high pass, you will atleast need a sub with full phase control to work youself in. Get a Rythmik F18, it will lay down the law. 

I don’t have time to write a comprehensive review at the time. Below is a pretty good video. I have/own the JTR RS1s and JL E112s mentioned in this video and I pretty much agree with what is said about them  

The JTR is more detailed and less damped sounding than the JL. It is a significantly better sub for music and also plays lower and louder at the same time.