
Gucci Hand Bag - $199
Diamond Stud Earrings -$599

A wife who won't give you grief over your stereo equipment purchases - PRICELESS

For everything else there's Mastercard.

What's in your plans for Christmas? ;o)
Sorry if we hit a nerve Charles. I just felt so fortunate to have an understanding wife, that I don't mind spending some on her every now and then. For designer handbags and diamond earrings. Oops. Almost forgot. Cashmere sweater.
I'm not even telling you guys what my wife got for Christmas.I'd never hear the last of it with phrases like," Hey, Sherod! Do you ever take your apron off?"
There isn't a system out there as valuable as a good wife! I'll keep both the wife and my system, in that order too.

We're trying to keep the costs down this year so my wife suggested getting eachother a digital camera. She doesn't ask for much so she will be getting as nice digital camera. I've been looking at the Nikon, Fuji, and Sony, I'm just not sure which one will be best for us.

Merry CHRISTmas!
I am fortunate that I have wife who is a musician and doesn't mind me being a gear freak. We went from a 15 year old Onkyo receiver and Paradigm Mini-Monitors to auditioning some higher end stuff. After listening to some 2k JM Labs and B&W's she responds, I bet we could get so much more if we doubled our investment (god love her).

We ended up with Thiel CS2.4's, an assortment of IC's and speaker cable, a new Rotel receiver (that will be upgraded to Bryston) plus a smattering of vintage tube gear. We went from a shit system to having music in 3 rooms.....Did I mention I love my wife?
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