Maybe being discerning isn't that good for us?

A topic I touch on now and then, I think about what the average person hears, what I hear, and what it means to be discerning. What good is it for us, our community, and the industry?

I’ll touch on a couple of clear examples. I was at a mass DAC shoot out and spoke with one of the few ladies there. To paraphrase her, she said this:

Only with DACs made in the the last few years can I listen to digital music without getting a headache.

I never had that problem, but we both experienced a significant improvement in sound quality at about the same time. Lets take her statement as 100% true for this argument.

On the other hand, I am completely insensitive to absolute phase issues which some claim to be. I’m also VERY sensitive to room acoustics, which many fellow audiophiles can completely ignore.

Lets assume the following:

  • The lady really did get headaches due to some issue with older DACs
  • There really are people very sensitive to absolute phase.

I’ve also found the concept of machine learning, and neural networks in particular truly fascinating. In areas of medical imaging, in specific areas such as breast cancer detection, neural networks can be more accurate than trained pathologists. In the case of detecting early cancer, discernment has an obvious advantage: More accuracy equals fewer unnecessary procedures, and longer lives, with less cost. Outstanding!!

Now what if, like the trained neural networks, I could teach myself to be sensitive to absolute phase? This is really an analog for a lot of other things like room acoustics, cables, capacitors, frequency response, etc, but lets stick to this.

Am I better off? Did I not in fact just go down a rabbit hole which will cause me more grief and suffering? Was I not better before I could tell positive vs. negative recording polarity?

How do you, fellow a’gonner stop yourself, or choose which rabbit holes to go through? Ever wonder if you went down one too many and have to step back?

Showing 4 responses by cd318


"She noted that studies show very hightened listening capability among those who grow up in highly stressful households, because you learn to listen veeerrry carefully for nuance in tone before someone explodes. These are the people who are annoyed by that damned sound in the room that no one else hears, and they use their localization skills to root it out and stop it. It sure fit my childhood, and my life experience."

Excellent illustration, one that goes for me too. In my case although the tone of a voice might not always be an infallible means of determining someone's nature - so far it's easily been the best one that I know of.

"She may not be able to describe Exactly and 'properly' What she's noticing, but is a good 'canary in our coal mine'....;)"

Don't take this the wrong way (is there even a right way?), but those can only be the words of a true audiophile.

I think it might be a great read (not to say also brave on your part) if you could somehow persuade her to post her experiences here as a follow up.


When you read some of the extravagant claims made regarding the audio of some of the latest high-end LED and OLED screens you can't really blame the owners for not realising that these plug and play products may not be the last word in sonics.

Whether we can blame the ultra conservative audio industry is another matter. For sure there are some awful sounding TVs out there.
I think it’s far too easy to be too discerning, even the mere fact of being an audiophile hints at that.

Ultimately it is a question of priorities, if not now, it definitely will be one day.

What matters to you most?

Relationships, children, personal health, financial security, psychological well-being /sense of ease regarding your present or near future, or the fact your system might have a gentle suckout at at 9kHz? 

Life has a funny way of continuously reaaringing these priorities. And for some of us it’s damned difficult to stay ahead of its curve.

But then we don’t really have any other choice, do we?

Right now for me music is a still a great way to give my mind some rest and stimulus at the same time.