MBL 321 Mini Monitor help

Looking for a good mini monitor. I am in really cramped quarters 6X8, and I am looking to put a new system together...the smaller the better. A local dealer has MBL. Any suggestions. When I had more space, I used to own Proac 2.5s, Pass amp aleph 3 and other decent items. I am definitely going to miss the bottom end with mini monitors, but those are the trade offs for living in the city.

To give you an idea of what I like, I remember liking Sonus Faber hooked up to a CJ tube amps...and wasn't too impressed with B&W hooked up with Krell.

I invite suggestions of alternate speakers and rigs, but I really want advice on the MBL experience. I have heard them once already with a MBL front end, but I found it a little lacking with involvement although the clarity, detail, and smoothness were present. I am a little amazed at how poorly some retailers prepare for a pre-arranged auditioning session
Looking for a good mini monitor. I am in really cramped quarters 6X8, and I am looking to put a new system together...the smaller the better. A local dealer has MBL. Any suggestions. When I had more space, I used to own Proac 2.5s, Pass amp aleph 3 and other decent items. I am definitely going to miss the bottom end with mini monitors, but those are the trade offs for living in the city.

To give you an idea of what I like, I remember liking Sonus Faber hooked up to a CJ tube amps...and wasn't too impressed with B&W hooked up with Krell.

I invite suggestions of alternate speakers and rigs, but I really want advice on the MBL experience. I have heard them once already with a MBL front end, but I found it a little lacking with involvement although the clarity, detail, and smoothness were present. I am a little amazed at how poorly some retailers prepare for a pre-arranged auditioning session. So, I am not certain what I was hearing, or rather not hearing.

Perhaps I am just missing the bass presents. I had a chance to listen to a pair of Alon Exoticas. Freaking amazing but probably not going to work well in my space constraints.

Thanks in advance for any input.

Haven't heard the MBLs.
I recently picked up a pair of Silverline SR-12 minis for $600 used and they fill up a 10+13 room beautifully, you don't really miss the low end. I highly recommend these, they are finished and built very well and biwireable and sound faultlessly!
6X9' would be an improvement. Thanks for the suggestions. Any one think that I should should give MBL another try?
Haven't heard the MBL monitors, but the big pods are nice. If there is a familial resemblance, the monitors would be worth another try with a different amp.

You might try the Totem Arro. A few inches from the wall is all they need to sing. Plus, they can thrive on 20ish+ tube watts.

By the way, I'm with Sluggo above -- will the Warden let you set up a rig?
I think I am going to look into getting some Etymotic ER4P from headroom. Kind of a mid-fi compromise until the time I can find more space. Doug and sluggo, you point well taken!
Soup: There are instructions available at Decware.com for building a small pair of planer speakers (they are mainly for use as computer speakers, but the designer has also tried them in other applications). They are said to sound amazing. Should be very low cost and would run off of a low powered SET. I am not very good at DIY myself, but may try a pair some day. I would love to be able to purchase a finished pair though.