Re Lew's point about the possibility of adding a resistor if necessary, I'll add that the parallel combination of two resistances corresponds to an overall resistance equal to the product (multiplication) of the two values divided by their sum. So if 11K is placed at the output of the SUT or the input of the phono stage, and the input impedance of the phono stage is 47K, the combined impedance on the secondary side of the transformer would be (47 x 11)/(47 + 11) = 8.9K. The cartridge would see a load impedance equal to 8.9K divided by the square of the turns ratio.
Also, some people report good results applying a load resistor on the primary side of the transformer. As you'll realize, in that case the value of the resistor will typically be a good deal lower, and the load resistance seen by the cartridge will be the parallel combination of the input impedance of the phono stage divided by the square of the turns ratio and the value of that resistor.
Given those possibilities of adding resistance in parallel, it seems to me that in choosing a stepup ratio it would make sense to err in the direction of having too low a ratio/too high a numerical load impedance/too light a load, PROVIDED that there is confidence that the noise performance of the phono stage is good enough to support the correspondingly reduced input voltage without introducing objectionable levels of hiss.
Re the chart you prepared, nicely done! To be sure its clear to everyone, the numbers on the vertical axis at the left represent millivolts at the secondary side of the transformer, i.e., the input to the phono stage. Also, a useful enhancement to the chart, if readily practicable, would be to superimpose on it a second curve indicating the load impedance seen by the cartridge, as a function of turns ratio, with the load value scale indicated vertically on the right.
-- Al
Also, some people report good results applying a load resistor on the primary side of the transformer. As you'll realize, in that case the value of the resistor will typically be a good deal lower, and the load resistance seen by the cartridge will be the parallel combination of the input impedance of the phono stage divided by the square of the turns ratio and the value of that resistor.
Given those possibilities of adding resistance in parallel, it seems to me that in choosing a stepup ratio it would make sense to err in the direction of having too low a ratio/too high a numerical load impedance/too light a load, PROVIDED that there is confidence that the noise performance of the phono stage is good enough to support the correspondingly reduced input voltage without introducing objectionable levels of hiss.
Re the chart you prepared, nicely done! To be sure its clear to everyone, the numbers on the vertical axis at the left represent millivolts at the secondary side of the transformer, i.e., the input to the phono stage. Also, a useful enhancement to the chart, if readily practicable, would be to superimpose on it a second curve indicating the load impedance seen by the cartridge, as a function of turns ratio, with the load value scale indicated vertically on the right.
-- Al