McCormack , Aragon or Forte

I have a pair of Apogee centaur minors , Spica TC50's and Spica Angelus speakers, What would you recommend as an amp/preamp combo. I have kimber cables and going toward streaming.
thanks for your guidance
Hi I had the Minors for several years with Aragon electronics. I have also owned McCormack DNA seriers electronics. I have a lot of experience with TC50s too - sweet. I would highly recommend the McCormack electronics. If your going for the DNA amps - try to get the Deluxe model with upgraded parts. Plus Stve McC still performs upgrades to all his products. Cant recommend McC enuff.
Thanks Tbromgard. I saw a DNA 1 delux but it was local pick up and went in a few days. I purchased an Aragon but want to get the McCormack any suggestions on pre amps and cabling?
Depending on the size of your room I say go for a McCormack DNA .5 Deluxe. I preferred the McCormack DNA .5 Deluxe to the DNA 1 Deluxe with my KEF 104/2 speakers in my audio room which is on the smaller side. I felt the DNA 1 Deluxe had a lot of bloom but was a bit too forward while the DNA .5 Deluxe was just right.