McCormack , Aragon or Forte

I have a pair of Apogee centaur minors , Spica TC50's and Spica Angelus speakers, What would you recommend as an amp/preamp combo. I have kimber cables and going toward streaming.
thanks for your guidance
Hi I had the Minors for several years with Aragon electronics. I have also owned McCormack DNA seriers electronics. I have a lot of experience with TC50s too - sweet. I would highly recommend the McCormack electronics. If your going for the DNA amps - try to get the Deluxe model with upgraded parts. Plus Stve McC still performs upgrades to all his products. Cant recommend McC enuff.
Thanks Tbromgard. I saw a DNA 1 delux but it was local pick up and went in a few days. I purchased an Aragon but want to get the McCormack any suggestions on pre amps and cabling?
Depending on the size of your room I say go for a McCormack DNA .5 Deluxe. I preferred the McCormack DNA .5 Deluxe to the DNA 1 Deluxe with my KEF 104/2 speakers in my audio room which is on the smaller side. I felt the DNA 1 Deluxe had a lot of bloom but was a bit too forward while the DNA .5 Deluxe was just right.
I find the McCormack and Forte amps to be very good amps on their own, with that said they are also very good values. Though not bad products, the Aragon amps always seemed like "tweeners"; perhaps superior to entry level but unlike the other considerations, not quite getting close enough to compare to true high end amps. For your application I think the McCormack might be the slightly preferred choice.
I had a McCormack pre amp - ALD Delux with phono, very nice. I used cables from MIT, Bluejeans, Cardas, Tara Labs and Kimber. All worked well, were cheapest.