McCormack DNA 125

Hi, I am about to get a McCormack DNA 125 amp in stock form. I have heard different bias on modding this model. Right now I have a BK ST2140 powering a pair of Paradigm Mini Monitor v3. What is your opinion on this amp? Thanks

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Did not realize how many of these amps got modded....but there ya go....  it is a great amp,    Enjoy 

I think the mods are so popular because they're from the original designer, are available at various quality levels...and they sound great...

I really enjoyed my stock one.  I demo’d a 225 at the time an the 125 was more than good for that system. One of the few pieces I should have kept .  

Thank you for all the response. I will be inquiring the DNA 125 next week. Will see how it goes. 

I've owned my DNA 225 = SMc Audio amp for 10 years. It's been a great sounding amp! Had it upgraded around 8 years ago. Time to check in on further mods. That's what I think is very beneficial to owning a McCormack product. Adds value to ownership.