McCormack DNA 125

Hi, I am about to get a McCormack DNA 125 amp in stock form. I have heard different bias on modding this model. Right now I have a BK ST2140 powering a pair of Paradigm Mini Monitor v3. What is your opinion on this amp? Thanks

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I've owned my DNA 225 = SMc Audio amp for 10 years. It's been a great sounding amp! Had it upgraded around 8 years ago. Time to check in on further mods. That's what I think is very beneficial to owning a McCormack product. Adds value to ownership.

I've read a little about that @soix . It's on my radar although the shipping will increase I'm sure.

I used to own McCormack. Pat and I have a pretty long history.

I want to say that SMcAudio has made a pretty good business providing upgrades to their amps. If the DNA125 works and you like it, then keep it as is.

But, if you want to take it as far as it can go, get the upgrades.


I was just curious as if SMcAudio still in business because I have checked their number and seen to be permanently closed.