@jerryg123 You interpret stuff interestingly, but no surprise. Mc has been 3rd rate forever and will remain so. BUT, it is PRETTY! Rich people LOVE IT.
Anyway, PE is in business to make cash, which, from what I can tell these days, is the ONLY reason man is on this Earth. Used to be people were fairly nice and if someone was successful, they realized they owed that success to many others.
Today, the goal is to amass as much as possible and have your name in the public as often as possible. YOU have ARRIVED and are VERY IMPORTANT. Having amassed a fortune, the rest of the world bows down to you like they used to bow down in their chosen place of worship or when contemplating how the universe survived for 4.5 BILLION years without THEIR help!
But, I digress. If something did not happen 5 seconds ago, it is irrelevant, and if you ain’t makin’ a billion a minute, get outta my way.
PE is usually a money grab for one or two people who will never have ENOUGH.
OR, if you stole 400 Billion of your nation’s money, you could start a war and murder everyone in another nation BECAUSE YOU CAN.
We only get 75-100 years here. To the universe, we are pretty much irrelevant and always will be, no matter how much CASH we have or people we murder.
As for Mc, really, at the end of the day, who cares? Some individuals will make a bundle and the world will survive, probably.