McIntosh MA 6500 reliability etc....

Hi Folks,
I am considering a Mcintosh MA 6500 integrated amp. Do any of you have one? How is the reliability and how do you like the sound? How is their gear in general for the long haul? I have a Cambridge Audio 840 A V2, and am considering a move in this direction. Any thoughts would be helpful in aiding my decision. Thanks so much...Brian.

PS: How is the company with backing their products should failure occur? Any dealings that way? I would be buying new from a registered dealer.

Showing 4 responses by trumpetbri

Awesome Guys...thanks! I have Magnepan MG 12 speakers, and Transparent wiring throughout. Appreciate your insight/opinions VERY much.
Thanks Guys...a remarkable company for sure! How long do their products take to burn in?
Thanks again for your support Guys. Do you leave yours powered up all the time, or should I shut it down when not in use? I have one and LOVE it. Bought from authorized dealer locally.
Hi Folks,
Mine is having no trouble feeding the Maggies. They never sounded better actually. Deepest stage and dynamics I've yet heard. Imaging is great too. I can understand the differences with the 6900 however. It's neat to read all of your observations. I really am falling more in love with this integrated all the time. I just wish their pricing weren't so high. Like everything else, the high end is seeing fairly large increases lately in everything. Cardas Cross cables for 1 meter are close to $600 now. Wow! Anyway, I'm having fun with the amp and appreciate all your comments. Thank you again!