Fellow tooth doc here. I went from JC5 to mc611’s. The 611’s are better.
McIntosh MC611 vs Parasound JC5
My system:
Parasound JC 5 stereo amp, JC 2 pre amp, JC 3 Jr phono pre amp Pro-Ject X2 turntable. Integra Research CD player. Pair of Rel S-510 subs. Eversolo streamer.
Recent purchase of B&W 802 D4 replacing my Kef R3 meta.
My room is 22x19 feet.. Listening volume is between 75-90 db. I love the way my system sounds.
Would I benefit from adding an additional JC 5 amp and Bi-amping each speaker vs adding a pair on MC611 mono blocks vs keeping system as is ?
Speakers were auditioned in showroom with McIntosh amps which also sounded great. I plan to upgrade the streamer at some point but this post is about the amps.
Thanks in advance for any advice.