Mcintosh MCD-12000

Any thoughts or reviews on this unit, is it worth the twelve grand price tag.

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I totally agree with the  previous posters and only you can decide value for money.  If you are Jeff Bezos and really need those meters, it’s a bargain.  If you make $20K a year and are planning on heisting an ATM to finance the purchase, then probably not.

Optical disc players were perfected decades ago. A $12K player is sonically indistinguishable from a $300 player. McIntosh's company motto might as well be "We proudly fleece the rich".

A year ago I considered a McIntosh CD/SACD transport and the MA12000. I only had 25 or so SACDs and I decided that I really didn’t need, given other options, SACD. Next, ripping bit perfect CD files to my NAS, or Aurender eliminated the need for the transport without losing any quality. I say this because playing my ripped CDs almost rivals my analog play and that is high praise.  $12000 gives you lots of options, but CD player/transport no longer makes any sense.