McIntosh MCD-205 Changer?

Has anyone heard this? It is interesting because the transport is not a carrousel, it is the Music Bank elevator mechanism by Nakamichi. Tellig said that you no longer have to sacrafice convenience for sound quality.

I am also considering using my Adcom carrousel as the transport and buying a high-end DAC. The problem with this solution is that the transport contributes a lot to the sound quality...
I purchased a MCD205 from World of Sound in Marin just a few months ago because I felt it was the best cd changer on the market.

It's a GREAT sounding player. Very detailed and warm sound to it.

The unit itself, like all Mac stuff, is very well built. The Nakamichi musicbank system is what IBM uses on some of their servers.

I love it.

After months of debate on which CDP to get, I finally got the MCD 205. Improvements are not subtle. The Ascent came out from singing to magical. The MCD 205 had better dynamics, more body,warmth, detail and very musical. And the built quality is top-notch like you would expect from Mcintosh. (Although it replaced a low end digital source I wasn't quite ready how much improvement to expect)
Now I can enjoy longerrr listening sessions.
Cost/performance ratio is what sold me, you get more bang for your bucks.
Now it leaves me wandering if adding a DAC would be worth it.
Thanks A-goners for all your help and sharing your ideas and experiences on this wonderful site.
the mcd205 is in my opinion the most natural sounding player(let alone changer)at any price.....most who own it stop worrying about comparisons of digial vs analogue and start buying music.
This hobby is just so addicting that it makes me want more.
After experiencing dramatic improvements you just have to say enough! Or...let's push it some more to the next level hmmm... Now I get a funny feeling being so-called an "audiofool". Anyways I'd like to add the MF A324 DAC. I feel I just have the need to do this to satisfy my curiosity. It will work via Toslink with my old CDP or the MCD 205 via coax. A-goners have mentioned that even inexpensive CDPs (Old CDP) can do wonders w/ DAC.
But thank you again co-goners. I know I'll be enjoying this system of mine for years to come.
