MD108 VS. MD102

BESIDES PRICE please compare the strengths of these two FM Tuners?
Hi, I agree with the other posts about the superior sound of the old Mac tuners compared to the MD's. I have a MD-102 in my system upstairs and it sounds fantastic on the jazz and classical stations I like. The rock stations I like don't tune in as well, that is not the 102's fault, it's my antenna and geographic location. However, I bought a Mac MR-67 on ebay ($600) and bought NOS Telefunkens for all the tubes except the 6AU6s in the IF section and now that is my absolute best-sounding tuner. I also have a vintage Fisher 350-C and a Meridian 204 and an old Marantz 2110. The Mac sounds incredibly good, and the MD102 is a close second.
Hi, how old is the MR-71? Are there photos of one anywhere on the web? I have a FT101-A that I really I correct in assuming however that it's probably inferior to the MR-71 & the more expensive MD's? And what about the Fanfare? The tuner afficiandos on this site don't seem to mention it much. Finally, any advice on buying an MR71, hopefully in great condition (& not getting beat!)?
Thanks, Steve
You can find out about tube complement, some specs, and pics at:

I talked to McIntosh technical support a couple of weeks who report that the MR-71 is without question the best sounding of all its tuners. But you have to have a good signal or a lesser audio section tuner (including most MDs) but a better RF section tuner will sound better. And sound is subjective, but once you immerse in the 3D sonic landscape of an excellent, updated with NOS hi-end tubes tube tuner you will find it hard to go back to the relatively flat sonic landscape painted by solid state tuners. The best solid state tuners I have heard with this tube sound (actually it is tubes short comings, harmonic distortion that help to create, in part, the effect of harmonic layering that is so palapable) include Naim NAT-01, Accuphase T-101, T-100, T-109 and to a degree the Roksan Caspian and Meridian 504/604.