Measure My Turntable Speed

I've been told that a very accurate way to measure the speed of a turntable is by using a test meter set to khz, placing the positive terminal into one of the outputs of the phono stage (or tape output), the other to the ground and then play a 1000hz test track of our a good quality test record... If the table speed is good, the reading should be very close to 1khz...

Ever tried this one?
I just used a strobe and a neon light to adjust the speed on my table, and I can play along with the record while playing my piano. It's good enough for me
Why cant a Dual strobe paper do it???? It has little bars for 50 hz on one side and 60 hz on the other. I adjust my TT till they dont move. Then I play a CD and record of the same song to check. Always worked for me and its only a couple of dollars. I think your using an elephant gun for a butterfly. If i am wrong, can someone tell me in down to earth terms why you must spend 90 some dollars for a strobe?????? Mike
The method suggested by the Acoustic Sounds turntable tech using a 1kHz test tone and a DMM is a very accurate way to calibrate the speed of your turntable. If you have a test LP with a 1kHz tone track and a DMM, you have everything you need. Laying out the money for a strobe won't buy you greater accuracy, but you might find the strobe to be a bit more convenient to use.
>>can someone tell me in down to earth terms why you must spend 90 some dollars for a strobe??????<<

KAB can.

But you don't need that thing. A strobe disc and fluorescent light are all that's required.