Measuring VTF on a Clearaudio Concept


I'm a fairly new owner of a Clear Audio turntable, and have a easy (hopefully) question regarding measuring the VTF.

My eyes aren't as good as they once were which makes using the tiny balance scale that came with the table difficult. I purchased a cheap digital scale off ebay, but found the weight WAY off. After some research, I discovered that it's critical to measure the VTF at the same height of a record. The scale I purchased had the needle about 1/3" above where a record would be.

I've been looking at two scales.

1) Clearaudio Weight Watcher
2) Ortofon DS-1

I know the Clearaudio will measure the cartridge at the correct height. Does anyone know if the Ortofon scale will as well? The Ortofon scale is quite a bit cheaper.


Showing 2 responses by moonglum

(Assuming you don't have fine VTA adjust capability on your tonearm) you could retain your digital scale and, if there's room next to the platter, make a small shim/platform that raises the gauge(pad) to a suitable height (i.e. that matches the stylus when positioned on a 120g record). Chances are you'll have mostly 120g pressings but 150g can be chosen if you wish to average it.

The good thing about a separate platform is that it won't be as "fidgety" as a platter thereby risking damage to your cartridge should the cantilever be accidentally "reversed". Failing this you should ensure the platter is firmly blu-tacked or taped up to immobilise it when playing with scales (just to be on the safe side).

Hope this helps...
Like SG says...just to complicate matters, most unipivots are intrinsically unstable when riding warps. This is perhaps one area where gimballed arms might justifiably claim to have a slight advantage.

(Except SMEs, perhaps, whose tapered armtube can collide with the warp halfway through a side with an impact like thunder.) ;^)