Yes i am sometimes off topic, but not so much...
A topic is not a perfectly defined zone...
All my part and articles and videos in the electricity post were there to defend a reputation and a fact, and if your look at them they are almost ALL interesting because of articles or video links not because of me..
You decided that they are not interesting it is your interpretation only...( many members thanks me)
I did not only argue with arguments but also with videos and articles...
But you are very kind and generous with me saying that you dont wanted to me to leave audiogon...
Because of that i apologize anyway sincerely and wish you the more beautiful christmast ever...
Thanks for speakeaing your mind to me in a direct and polite way...
My best to you....
@mahgister I don’t want you to leave and don’t believe the original post was about you but you do seem to get off topic at times and do tend to post long multiple diatribes about theories not actually related to audio . The electricity post should be put down to never see the light of day again.
I’m sure I’m not going to get the Audiogon good citizen award but "come on man"
Oh and Tesla was a robot ... from the future.