Excellent report. I'm quite jealous, and wish I'd been able to join you three. Hopefully next year.
Any more to share about Lloyd Walker's plans on a more affordable tt? Any idea of his target price and timing?
Also, sounds like # of 2 channel demos are holding up well vs. multichannel, true? Was crowd interest in 2 channel holding up, too? Same question on tubes & vinyl?
Just out of curiousity, but how small was the Merlin Joule room? The room at Mark Paul's house where the Philly Audio Group demoed the Merlin/Berning/Joule system wasn't a large room, IMHO. Assuming that's where you loved the sound, was the NYC room much smaller?
Also, FWIW, I've been experimenting with my VSM-MXs w/battery BAM, and no doubt that it's much, much better with BAM(The new MX BAM does have improvements over the older BAM).
See you soon. Cheers,
Excellent report. I'm quite jealous, and wish I'd been able to join you three. Hopefully next year.
Any more to share about Lloyd Walker's plans on a more affordable tt? Any idea of his target price and timing?
Also, sounds like # of 2 channel demos are holding up well vs. multichannel, true? Was crowd interest in 2 channel holding up, too? Same question on tubes & vinyl?
Just out of curiousity, but how small was the Merlin Joule room? The room at Mark Paul's house where the Philly Audio Group demoed the Merlin/Berning/Joule system wasn't a large room, IMHO. Assuming that's where you loved the sound, was the NYC room much smaller?
Also, FWIW, I've been experimenting with my VSM-MXs w/battery BAM, and no doubt that it's much, much better with BAM(The new MX BAM does have improvements over the older BAM).
See you soon. Cheers,