Mesa Engineering Baron vacuum tube power amplifier

Does anyone still own a Mesa Engineering Baron vacuum tube power amplifier from the 1990’s? It was Randall Smith’s (of Mesa Boogie fame) first, and penultimate, foray into the audiophile realm.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xporchlight1

My local dealer has a Mesa Tube amp in thier show room,big bugger. they keep it around for looks i think lol. not sure if it works never seen it up and runing. 

I was not aware that the Baron was Mesa’s penultimate amplifier, @porchlight1. What amplifier did they manufacture after the Baron?

jasonbourne71:  You should see the review the long departed and deeply

missed Audio magazine gave to it in their December 1996 issue. I saved that issue for some reason…

cleeds:  Their second effort was an amp called the Tigris.  It was based on multiple EL84 output tubes using their “Tandem-State Imaging” system.  The Baron used six 5881 outputs per channel.  Both amps used this system that offered both triode and pentode operation plus two intermediate modes.