Metner MA3 vs Playback Designs MPD-6

Sonically, as well as in certain architectural ways, these two DACs are fairly similar. In price, however, they are several thousand dollars apart. Is the MA3 the poor man’s MPD-6?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjmeyers

We sell the MA3, however not the Playback Designs. The Meitner is extremely smooth, very detailed and has a wide soundstage. The upconvert to DSD, the fullness of the sound, and instrument separation are top notch. Very good build quality, volume control, and a nice remote. It helps to pair with a system that is very revealing and detailed already - think beryllium tweeters, Focal, Perlisten, Von Schweikert, or other brands with similar high frequency signatures. 

Hope that helps to describe what you get with the MA3.

Your description was very helpful, for which I thank you. Why do you think that this Meitner DAC is so unknown, particularly given its performance/price ratio?

Never heard both but read somewhere that Ed Meitner worked for Andreas Koch (of PBD) back in the day.

BTW - I have a Stream-IF streamer for sale. It works with the MPD-6 using SDPIF or PBD proprietary fibre optic Plink.


@yyzsantabarbara I think you have it backwards. It was actually Andreas Koch who was hired by Ed Meitner in 2003 to work for EMM Labs. Ed Meitner is considered a pioneer in SACD development. He worked closely with Sony and Philips in the early days of SACD and was responsible for implementing the format from concept to reality. I believe his company, EMM Labs, also built the first multi-channel DSD playback system.

@jmeyers I don’t think Meitner is as unknown as you might think. It’s true that they promote their flagship DAC more often so maybe that’s the reason for the perception. Either way, it is a fantastic DAC. When I bought the Meitner MA3, I compared it against Denafrips Terminator Plus, T+A 200, and the Aavik D-280 DACs. To my ears, it was definitely a cut above the Terminator and Aavik. It was a close call between T+A 200 and the Meitner. In the end, I went with Meitner because of the built-in streamer.

As choiceaudio mentioned, the MA3 produces a very natural and balanced soundscape. It reveals all the details in the music but in a way that it never sounds forced or ’in your face’. IMO, it doesn’t suffer from the overly detailed, etched sound quality of some other top tier dacs in the same price bracket. I have not once experienced fatigue even when listening for several hours at a time.

Having said that, the built-in streamer is good but not great. I plan to get a separate streamer in the future. Don’t get me wrong, it still sounds very good but I think I can push the envelope further. Also, if hearing every last drop of detail in a very vivid manner is your thing, you might be longing for something else. This DAC is more about painting a beautiful, natural landscape than a razor sharp image.

Sorry I don’t have much experience with Playback Designs. Hope this helps and good luck.



@arafiq "

  • In 2003, Andreas joined Ed Meitner’s EMM Labs, where he designed digital audio products for both professionals and audiophiles. His work included revolutionary algorithms for sample rate conversion, D/A converters, and unique clock management architectures.

You are correct on that. It seems they both worked with Sony. Interesting thing about PBD designs is that they use a FPGA design for DACs. PBD is supposed to be the originator of that design.

The expensive Nagra DAC is also using the PBD boards, but it not the best ones. Those are saved for PBD's DACs.

I cannot find a great interview that had a lot of info on the history of Andreas and DSD.