Michael Fremer leaves Analog Planet

I'm not sure who I can trust anymore.....




I'm glad to know he's still working on vinyl. I just signed up for The Absolute Sound :)

@j-wall ,

How much respect would you have for him if he told you to go f___yourself because you disagreed with him?

I’ll never read TAS b/c of Valin who I find is a very dishonest self serving person IMHO

@mr_m I wouldn't take it to heart. I personally choose not to let someone who is in their feelings and unable to articulate how they feel to dictate their entire persona. Maybe people have bad days and say the wrong thing? Maybe he meant it and is a complete jerk. Does it actually matter? The guy has been a cornerstone for readers and magazines for over 30 years. The expectations that a person needs to meet every one of my expectations of them is wholly and entirely ridiculous.