Michael Fremer leaves Analog Planet

I'm not sure who I can trust anymore.....




A few years ago he stuck one of those ridiculous Synergistic Research HFT things on a tonearm for review, said he thought it worked great, and never mentioned it again. 

Reviews become important because there a very few places now to go and listen to components! That’s a big problem.

so our society has identified reviewers as being necessary and significant!



ans- I have no idea especially since the reviewers have zero knowledge of psychoacoustics, nor how the human hearing system functions.

I often wonder who writes the reviews ? The composition of the reviews of gear is laughable!


What is laughable, if it weren’t so ridiculous, is a comment like the one above The comment above is the kind of commentary that makes this topic often pointless and not a little ridiculous. I have no great love for audio reviewers, but to so brutally criticize all reviewers and to suggest that they are all a bunch of idiots is absurd. I have read enough excellent reviews over the years from some very knowledgeable and insightful reviewers to know that the author of that commentary doesn’t know what he is talking about. Of course, some other reviews were worthless. So what?

Gives further credence to my contention that many “audiophiles” are wannabe reviewers themselves and some are resentful of not being able to afford the gear. Ironically, it is often those who clamor for the “what sound is right is strictly subjective” approach to the hobby that have the most disdain for reviewers.

@frogman spot on. So many here want to criticize a reviewer for trying a tweak or SR product and then also criticize them on the opposite side of the review. This whole non-start ideology is not productive. 

And the reviewers seem to know a whole lot more than the 95% of us on here or there would be a whole lot more reviewers to slander and demean.  I'm not a fan of most reviewers and the flowery language they use to convince people of the difference in products, but I appreciate them making an attempt to help push the hobby forward and to attempt to give insight into new products that most of us are after. 

It will be interesting to see how he fits in at the absolute sound. They have developed such an uptight DNA over the years, and that’s just not him. He is much more irreverent than any of them. I know that he can be contradictory and has annoying faults like we all do, but I like him. I always read his column, and I don’t even own a turntable.