I maybe can answer your question,I have the newest model the MZ2S,which I have used with several amps either SS or tubes and including a S500 and I have never experienced any thumps.
I usually turn my system on early morning and it stays on all day and gets turned of before bedtime.Sometimes forget and it stays on all night no big deal.I have always been in the habit of turning the preamp of any kind on first then the amp on,and turning the amp off first then the preamp off.
I have found the MZ2S to be really good sounding and better than a couple of tubed preamps that I own,mine does have remote volume control and 3 inputs but does not have input selection via remote and really that is the only shortcoming it has for me.
I also use it as a 1 watt Intergrated powering Tekton Double Impact speakers with great results.
I just manually turn my system on and off and don't want the complexity of any kind of trigger set up.
Best of luck to you,