Mid-fi tube vs high-end SS

Hello everyone. I am new here but not new to audio. I’ve been meaning to buy a high-end permanent SS amp for 2 years now. But not sure how much improvement I can get.


A little about what I have. I use a high-quality tube amp I bought for around $1,500. 55 watts per channel Class A. With upgraded tubes it’s a little over $2,000. The amp I have is the Musical Paradise mp-501 I’ll link below. Using upgraded Kt-170 tubes along with some nos 5693 red tubes and 717-a tubes.


My audio knowledge and listen ability has improved substantially these past few years thanks partly to this tube amp. Sorry for the long-winded intro. My actual question is, how much improvement should I expect going from this tube amp to something high-end SS like the Gato 150 and the incredible DVA M225? Very little reviews on the Gatos, I’m hoping I could get some help here, even anything about the Gato 150 from users would be helpful. Ty




Audition some likely SS and tube contenders and see what 'improvement' you hear.

@akg_ca   Agree your advice to OP.

I don't know the Van Alstine DVA 225, but my system uses his Transcendence 10RB preamp into a FirstWatt F8 (by Pass). With compatible speakers, the sound is musical (not "artificial") but not colored one way or the other.

It made me a believer in a good tube preamp but leave the power work to solid state. Nelson Pass uses FET transistors in his designs.


I guess it depends on what you mean by midfi and high end. I have a system consisting of a Schitt Freya + with some premium tubes and a Peachtree Audio Gan 400 amp running all balanced with Magnepan LRS + which will shortly be mounted on the Magnariser Mk7 stands.

I’d like to be helpful. It would be useful to know exactly your system. There is a place to put photos and your components under your user ID as your virtual system. This would help us a lot in helping you. The venue and all components matter.


Having said that and been working on pursuing the cutting edge for over fifty years. I would not be moving from tubed to solid start… I would move in reverse or simply upgrade in the tube arena. In general. You are going to get more natural and musical components when using tubed equipment. I stayed away from tube amps for decades thinking of inconvenience and cost that simply has not been there. I have over 40 tubes in my system and by a huge amount, it is the best my system has ever sounded, and after years have spent very little on tubes. 

I have to recommend that I’d you want really high quality sound, stick with tubes. Then make your decision.