Midrange Better Than Harbeth or Spendor?

I recently auditioned a pair of Harbeth SHL5's and Sendor S8's and was really impressed with the mids on both of these speakers. I was wondering if folks out there who have first hand experience could recommend other speakers that equal or surpass these two in the midrange. Thank you.
You could try www.carolinaaudio.com for the Jordan drivers although I have not heard them.
I don't think a single driver can usually match a multi-way in this respect since multi way puts the driver only in its most efficient frequency of operation. You can't have it all. At least from the very few single driver speakers that I have heard.
The best option I know of is running a 4" full-range and adding a supertweeter for over 10kHz to add some sparkle.
Bcollins - A thought: You mentioned the Super HL5's as being a bit large for your room. Is there any way you can try out the M30's? They are smaller (though about the same price point) and they have what I understand to be a silk dome tweeter that Harbeth (as I understand it) says is better than the tweeter in the HL5's. I've never heard the HL5s side by side with the M30's, but I've heard it suggested that the M30's are smoother in the top, which you might like, and they might work out better, size-wise, in your room.

Although I bought a pair of Avalons, I am still using the Harbeths at the moment, and they really are good. You're quite right, they are great on female vocals (or vocals, period), and very "clean". They respond very favorably to tube gear, too, by the way.

Eweedhome - I actually have heard the 30's, but not at home. At the dealer they sounded a bit leaner than the 5's, but very nice. The problem with my room is that it tends to make all speakers sound lean, which makes me think they may not sound as good at home. I will probably give them a try anyway though. Do you find them that way as well? I've heard somewhere that they are somewhat forward too and may not be appropriate for a room as small as mine (10'X14'). I'd be interested in hearing more about your experience with them. Thanks,
Bill - Fair questions. One Harbeth dealer I know does not favor the HL5's because he considers them a bit bass-heavy. I've heard something like that elsewhere, which suggests to me that the "leanness" you report in the M30s probably reflects a consistent difference in the speakers. I also recall that one of the on-line reviewers described the M30's in such a way that I can imagine them seeming perhaps more forward than the HL5's. However, I have never heard the HL5's. In fact, I hadn't heard ANY Harbeths before I got my M30's. I had been using Vandersteens for some years before that and was suffering from substantial "detail fatigue," and one evening, after suddenly getting frustrated with the Vandersteens one too many times, located a pair of M30's and acquired them in the space of about an hour. It was one of the best things I ever did.

My room is not large (14x19). In my room, I would characterize the M30's as somewhat fat sounding, in a very pleasant way. They are 3 feet from the rear wall, and set up a pretty darn good soundstage (although they take some work, positioning-wise, and do have a sweet spot). They have very nice bass for a box that small, and the top is smooth and easy, with detail, but not drowning in it. However, I will say that they are very sensitive to whatever you run them with...with the wrong pre-amp, amp, etc., they can sound bright and irritating and probably a bit forward. As mentioned, I found that tube gear produces the warmest and friendliest effect. How "forward" they sound depends at least somewhat on what you run them with.

In your space, you may like the C7's better. As you no doubt know, the C7's were recently revised to present more detail. You may or may not prefer the newer version...I haven't heard them, but shortly after I got the M30's, I heard some of the older C7's at a dealer, and was favorably impressed. They are smaller than the HL5's and don't have the super tweeter of the HL5's.

Feel free to email me direct if you'd like to discuss this further.

Best regards