Minimum recommended amplification requirements and amplifier matching

If a speaker has a "recommended amplification requirement" between 80W-200W with a 90dB sensitivity what are the actual minimum amplification requirement? In particular, the Line Magnetic 211ia is rated at 15W triode and 32W ultralinear. Can smaller tube amplifiers provide enough wattage to drive speakers that require more than twice the recommended output?
More importantly, can you audition those speakers with your amp?    Specs are great but don’t always tell the whole story.  I was driving a pair of 87dB eff speakers with a 40 watt el34 amp and it was plenty loud for me in a 17 x 15 x 9 room.   Current speakers are 99 dB eff and it’s ridiculous with just 40 Watts.  
+1 lowrider,
Impedance, not sensitivity is a more important value.
Should your speakers dip below 4 ohms, you little amp is going to have a hard time keeping up.
When in doubt, call the manufacturer.
+2 @willemj , agree completely. 
I used a 300W/Ch/4 ohms with Monitor Audio Silver 8s with good results.
I tried a Line Magnetic with an older Gallo speaker 4 ohm 90 dB sensitivity.  It did not work well at all.  I concur with the other posts.  It’s the impedance not the sensitivity that matters.  Line Magnetic does not like low impedance speakers, but check with the distributor, Tone Imports.
I once drove a pair of monitor audio silvers with EKCO  integrated.  This is a very good tube amp indeed but with this pairing in triode the bass was very bloated.  Much better in UL mode.  I really wonder if the MA silvers aren't better off with SS gear. (Having said that I sold this to a gentleman who was very happy with this amp paired with guess what--Monitor Audio!)  Just be aware the pairing is critical.  It's often not the power that's the issue as much as the complexity of the load a given speaker presents to a tube amp--especially in triode or SE designs.  UL with a bit of negative feedback will be more predictable.