Miss your audio when traveling?


Here on a business trip...while, there the hotel room has a Travoli radio...not the same as my gear at home. How does one cope..........
Audiotomb - I think loseing 12,000 LPs is trivial when put into perspective to what happened. All of this audio stuff is insignificant in a situation like that.

"if you compare up, you are miserable
if you compare down, you are greatful
God Bless"
- Tom

What a great statement Tom!
i don't miss it, have an ipod, some noise cancelling headphones, and 5000 songs on shuffle play. i do miss my listening room -- a real nice place to relax and tune out. sure beats the lounge at the Delhi airport...
Audiotomb - Good luck with the rebuilding to you and everyone in the Gulf Coast. So true about things are all relative.


I ran into an audio friend from Mississippi this weekend
he had 5 feet of water in his home
lost all his audio equipment
this was 1/2 mile inland

he was rebuilding some speaker cabinets
that had plastic outer shells