Miss your audio when traveling?


Here on a business trip...while, there the hotel room has a Travoli radio...not the same as my gear at home. How does one cope..........
i don't miss it, have an ipod, some noise cancelling headphones, and 5000 songs on shuffle play. i do miss my listening room -- a real nice place to relax and tune out. sure beats the lounge at the Delhi airport...
Audiotomb - Good luck with the rebuilding to you and everyone in the Gulf Coast. So true about things are all relative.


I ran into an audio friend from Mississippi this weekend
he had 5 feet of water in his home
lost all his audio equipment
this was 1/2 mile inland

he was rebuilding some speaker cabinets
that had plastic outer shells
I use a Cambridge Sounds Model 12 portable for the last few years. It is pretty bullet proof and has decent sound connected to Wav ipod or Cd player. The suitcase it comes in becomes the subwoofer, to weight 26 lbs.