Missing the forest for the trees

Something I've been reflecting about, of late. With time and experience, I've been pulling back trying to connect with and attempting to understand the larger picture.

Perhaps others have their unique stories and universal messages to share.

I request we keep the discussion positive and helpful. Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by shkong78


I agree with you that we need to see forest rather than trees.

Musical sound is more important than just part of sound like detail, dynamics or soundstage.

But with all the tweaks, blue fuse, blue cable, E-card and small bells, my system sound organic and detailed not overly etched.

I am happy with all the tweaks that I had done for the last 2 weeks.

Now I will just try to enjoy music from classical, Jazz, New age even Rock music.

I listen to all kinds of music  depending on my mood.

Frankly speaking it is not easy to find all round player to play all kind of music.

B&W 801 driven by Jadis 500(350 tube Watt) gave me the most deep and powerful bass.

Full range speaker driven by 300B SET amplifier gave me the most round mid range sound with good timber.

I had been using Lansche 4.1 for 11 years so far and I may use it until it stops working(it is an active speaker).

It is slightly behind B&W801 in terms of dynamics and slight notch behind full range in roundness of mid range.

But it is kind of all round player with two 10 inch driver with internal active amplifier and high efficiency (spec 99db/w, but my guess is around 94 db/w from the experience of 99db/w full range).

You have to compromise between several factors.

Lansche 4.1 has very pristine treble due to its plasma tweeter.

Thus it is very difficult to find another speaker that suit my taste.

I am happy with Lansche 4.1 in my spacious listening space with high vault.

You have to find one which suit your taste compromising some factor.

But I know the tweaks in power supply do play important factors,

Power conditioner ( I had been happily using Spiritual Audio VX9 for 5 years), power cables, high end fuse and something like Perfect Path Technology matt and e-cards help to tame the sound.

There is no perfect speaker in the world.

Western Electric system used in theaters in early 1900’s are too big to use in ordinary house but very efficient 110db/w and be driven by 20 Wattts amplifiers to get enough sound for the whole theater.

One of my billionaire friend have several Western Electric system.

Every time I hear his system, I got amazed to death.

But I can not afford it.

I am just happy with my current system based upon Lansche 4.1 while doing small improvement from time to time.