Mistakes I’ve made

Lending out audio gear!

Loaned a turntable to a relative- he tossed it in the trash when he was done with it and switched to cd

Loaned a turntable to a friend- he has no idea what happened to it 

Loaned a receiver and cassette deck to a relative- he bought a mini system and threw out my gear 

Loaned another receiver to a friend- got smashed 

what “why did I do that” moments have you had? 
@zavato ,

You sound like me...expecting others to be raised with a sense of right and wrong.

Wishing you a happy new year!

You raise a good point- when people start to believe doing the right thing is something extraordinary, I wonder how others were taught to behave

Happy new year to you as well-
ebm, what a surprise.

Op, good for you. Cast thy Bread upon the waters.

as for me, leaving over two thousand records on a cold sidewalk. 
I borrowed a pair of Boston Acoustics to an emotionally unstable cousin of mine. One day he garbage picks a receiver and hooks up my speakers, they don't work so he smashes them with a hammer and throws them away. I ask him, did you ever think it might have been the receiver that you pulled out of the garbage that was the problem? 

Three months later on a camping trip I tear a hole in a $5 garage sale tent of his and he tells me that when we get home I am taking him shopping for a new tent.
tnic73:  You need to stay away from that cousin!  

The only things I have loaned out and not gotten back were some CD’s.  I learned not to lend any more out and most people don’t ask. 

I also try to deal with reputable people that do what they say and are honest.  Life is too short to deal with the other kinds.