Gary purchased off a platform that has rules to protect everyone. He flatly refused my offer to refund his money on two overbought cables. After testing the first three he was blown away and said to ship the remains two. Gary requested to purchase my secret sauce off platform, and was told no. Gary makes his own rules and despite the requirement of requesting a single cable return and printing a shipping label through the platform, he just shipped two cables back used and contaminated and NOT in the condition received. I have followed all platform messages and procedures and they instructed me to return the two cables to Gary which I did, after refurbishing the male ends with secret sauce.
Reading between the lines, it seems the Vaseline like "goop" wears off after only a few uses? That seems rather shoddy, however, par for the Nano-Flo course it seems. Does he even need a reason to want to return them? What does money-back guarantee mean to you?
You should just refund his money and go back to hiding in the shadows, hoping that a few people here and there read up on your poor ethical practices but choose to buy anyway. Its truly a shame that all of those who have been shilling for you don’t chime in and at least convince you that its good business to NOT be the headline subject of these threads. I for one though am thankful that your greed is exceeded only by your arrogance...these threads are like a moth to flame for you and you can’t resist posting sophmore level snark. It just shows who you are.
I’m going to take a flyer and guess that your products don’t have Cardas, Shunyata, Synergistic nor Audioquest burning the midnight oil for fear of market erosion.