A Happy Christmas eve to you. Is this the day that you think about right and wrong, that you you think about how you might like to be treated if you were on the receiving end of the egregious treatment to which you are subjecting @glory ?
You are either unwilling to honor your money back return guarantee or you are unable. If you are unwilling, you should be ashamed and rectify this situation immediately. If you are unable for financial reasons then that is a different conversation but nonetheless a conversation that should be taking place.
If you are unwilling then I truly hope that the audio community takes note and with SO MANY power cable choices on the market, that they choose an option from an ethical company and an ethical person.
If you are unable to repay your obligation, then you should make arrangements to pay @glory back for your failure to honor your guarantee. No one forced you to offer the money back return guarantee, you did it as a way to entice potential buyers. If you spent the money, paid a medical bill, bought Christmas presents for an orphanage…whatever you did with the money, there is no escaping your obligation.
POTENTIAL NANOFLO CABLE BUYERS, do your due diligence. Chris Arnold and NANOFLO isn’t honoring his word.
To those who have touted Nanoflo, are you proud of Mr. Arnold’s conduct?