Miyajima MADAKE experience

I've noticed that many (if not all) Kansui users tryin' to sell their Miyajima Kansui to upgrade to new released Madake of the higher price. I have zero experience with Kansui or Madake, but i have checked all the rave reviews (there are not so many btw) and spoken to several distributors in Eupore and USA. Seems like Kansui is great even with aluminum cantilever and shibata stylus. Everybody talking about organic sound and musicality of Miyajima top of the line cartridges.

BAMBOO CANTILEVER of the MADAKE is def. exotic solution along with Miyajima-san's CROSS COIL / CROSS RING method.

Appart from the distributors and reviewers it's always important to ask real users (who paid full price) about their Madake experience.

I wonder how this cartridge perform against top of the line modern hi-end cartridges such as ZYX, Benz, Dynavector ... you name it.

Anyone who didn't like it and why ?

Thanks to labpro's post, this thread was brought to the fore once again. Vortrex, you don't say which of the woods you chose for your 3P.  It would be worthwhile to know that since your experience was apparently contrary to that of some others who ran the Kansui with a 3P and were/are happy.  (We'd need to know which wood was chosen for those other users, as well, of course.)  There can be quite a difference in effective mass for any given model of Reed tonearm, depending upon the wood choice.
@labpro I think the metal tube is just for protection inside the display case (to make sure the cartridge can’t be smashed in the box). 
Use non magnetic tool and screws. 
Thank you for the feedback chakster.

Do you have a recommendation for a non-magnetic screwdriver? Seems like Miyajima uses phillips head screws.

I see "ceramic" tools (non sparking, non magnetic) on Amazon, but quite expensive.

Thank you.
@labpro I got my tools with cartridges, most of the time I use small one I received with my first ZYX cartridge many years ago, then I bought many  vintage cartridges and got many more tools with them :))