Miyajima Shilabe with Shindo preamp ?

I recently purchased a Shilabe, and want to get it up and playing soon. I have already spoken with the importer, and have received a few ideas from others. First priority is to play it with my Shindo preamp, and see how well it does. I have two TT setups, a WT Amadeus, and Basis 2500/Vector 3 arm. It was suggested that the latter would be the logical choice to simply try the cartridge. I may start another thread for other tonearm suggestions, but would still appreciate any opinions . The Thomas Schick, SME M2-12R, and Ortofon RS-309D are all considerations. Would like to keep tonearms in the $1800-$2500 range.
I second Restock regarding the Allaerts playing cello. I heard it mounted on a Triplanar/Oracle TT/ Pass XONO combo powered by CJ amps running to Wilson Grand Slamms. The decay of the cello was unbelievable, it felt like it was 2 seconds long. And the depth of the low frequencies was truly astounding. Mind you this was in a system and room that had been carefully tweaked for 3 years by a master audiophile, but it showed me the potential of this cartridge.
Initial impressions are pretty positive. It sounds best going through the hi impedance setting on my Choir Audio H-7 SUT.
It doesn't sound as if it's digging up everything in the grooves on the Vector arm. I really had no reason to think
this would be a good match, as it is not a recommended arm....
I am tracking in the 2.7-2.8 range. Stereophile mentioned 2.5-3.2 VTF range is best. I may try it a little heavier next time. In general, it sounds good enough to go forward with. At one point, a high mass tonearm could be the answer here.