MM Cartridge for VPI Scout

Currently using a Benz H2 and getting too much distortion especially on the inner grooves during classical music. I think the High output has something to do with it. Any suggestions?
I read that its mass is only 7.7 grams not sure if that is true, saw it on vinyl engine. Read anything below 11 grams is low mass and should be treated as such.
The VPI arms are medium mass. Benz, Soundsmith, Dyna cartridges work the best. If you are getting mistracking on the inner part of the record, its not anti-skate, but cartridge misalignment, (Mint is great but you have to do it correctly....even though you spent lots of time on it, it still may not be right), or cartridge defect (worn, bent, old, etc.) Skating decreases with a smaller radius, and lower speed (the record is moving faster at the edge).
I think it could be from vibration. Another Agon'er mentioned that I might get a wall mount for my table. The cartridge is fine. Cartridge is not even a year old. I's gotta be either vibration or the tonearm.
For what it's worth, I have been using a Benz H2 on my Scout for last 18 months. I listed to a lot of classical and have had no problems as you describe.