Modwright sony xa5400 vs Modwright Oppo 95

Anyone got a chance to compare modded xa5400 and Oppo 95 units? How would you define the overall sound character of the two? I am using Merlin speakers with ARS filarmonia amplifier. I like to listen Jazz and Classical mainly. Would like to have a great resolution, vocal clarity, focused sound stage and full bodied presentation (..of Piano and string instruments).
Not looking for comparison between stock and modded units.
Please help me decide between the two. Thanks.
Not better, but a really great bargain and built like a brick sh_t house (5year warranty)! I have never said anything bad about the Modwright XA5400 I owned, nor did I claim my NAD superior...just a great bargain. For the record, my Sony had reliability issues and my NAD recently died...after only one year:O( Sorry for being enthusiastic...this aint brain surgery folks, it's supposed to be a fun hobby:O) Lighten up...Davey say RELAX.
"I'll make this simple...the Denon DCD A100 is one of the finest SACD/CD players I have ever owned."

Thanks for making this simple, Davey. :)
I have Dan's MW 5400 and love it, chose it over my Rega Apollo and Bryston BDA-1, Ayon CD-2, CD-2 with EE Mini Dac and CD-2 with Berkeley Alpha. To me, it more musical and draws you into the performance.

I'm now looking into addding Bybee rail to take it to another level. The Sylvanias 6SN7W has added another dimension to the player and I couldn't be happier.

Any reason you are considering Bybee rail over Audio Magic Pulse Gen ZX (…well other than the obvious price difference between the two)?

From what I'm hearing, they both are good but I'm going with the Bybees first since they have to be done by an experienced technician and I can always DIY Gen ZX at a later date.

Have read and spoke with owners on the Bybees and they all have said it's a significant difference in a blacker background and images occupying a deeper/wider soundstage.

The Gen ZX are similiar, removing artitacts inside the unit. Definitely on my short list.