Take your time and grow slowly. Let the marketplace find you. At present you have only just begun to be noticed. If you are building for the masses, you must give the masses time to find you. Only the unusually sharp and alert clientele has approached you at this point. Great as the SWL 9.0SE may be, it remains an unknown to 99% of those who might eventually buy one. Several companies did very well producing a tubed pre-amp and nothing else for years with infrequent, and some might say, insignificant reiterations. CAT and AI spring immediately to mind.
You can't please everyone and it is a fool's errand, indeed, to alter your course with such a goal in mind. We love you the way you are. Those who want different features can buy a different product rather than forcing you to change yours.
Artists must remain comfortable with their art.
So when you build mine put a navy blue faceplate on it with chrome knobs and extra cheese.
Take your time and grow slowly. Let the marketplace find you. At present you have only just begun to be noticed. If you are building for the masses, you must give the masses time to find you. Only the unusually sharp and alert clientele has approached you at this point. Great as the SWL 9.0SE may be, it remains an unknown to 99% of those who might eventually buy one. Several companies did very well producing a tubed pre-amp and nothing else for years with infrequent, and some might say, insignificant reiterations. CAT and AI spring immediately to mind.
You can't please everyone and it is a fool's errand, indeed, to alter your course with such a goal in mind. We love you the way you are. Those who want different features can buy a different product rather than forcing you to change yours.
Artists must remain comfortable with their art.
So when you build mine put a navy blue faceplate on it with chrome knobs and extra cheese.