Modwright vs EVS vs RAM vs ASI-Tek, OPPO BDP83

I recently bought a OPPO BDP83 BluRay player and the performance is very surprising for the $$. I'm interested in getting a MOD for the 2-channel audio. I understand ModWright, EVS, RAM and ASI-Tek offers mods ... can anyone offer recommendations? ... comparisons between them?

I have a ModWright Transporter and is satisfied with the performance ... I understand EVS also offers a Transporter MOD, has anyone compare it to the ModWright?


I've only found positive customer experiences with all the different mods in the market so it appears I can't go wrong with any of them.

Since I have experiences with ModWright (Transporter), I'll probably go with them when it's available. I contact Dan and they are finalizing/planning on taking orders next week or so.
Have had Dan do several mods on my equiptment. The advantage you get with Dan is that he is not just a tech, he is also a builder. He doesn't just replace parts but knows what parts replacement produces better sound.

Agree Magnumpi205. Dan has he own line of highly acclaim components so he knows his stuff. Like I said, I'm sure all the mods will be a major upgrade to stock but going with Dan mainly from positive past experience. Lately I've been very adventurist in trying unknown components with positive results so don't want to push my luck any further :-)

Dan said he's contemplating a tube analog output stage for the BDP83 ... but since I already have the MW Transporter, I'm going with SS this time. Currently have all tube components and getting too hot in the summer so need some SS ... :-)

How much was required in mod for the Oppo to beat your Ayre C5xe?


Tennisamp, I'd like to find out more about how the modded Oppo sounded next to the C5xe.