MoFi Dire Straights ‘Love Over Gold’ lp

I’m I the only one frustrated over Mobile Fidelity and Music Direct delays in getting this out? I’v heard all the  reasons for delays for the past 3 years, now neither company wants to pay double shipping costs for those individuals who ordered all 4 of the DS records so they are waiting until the completion of all the pressings are done and shipped to Music Direct. This concerns those of us who have pre-ordered. 

Strange that these reissue companies have to resort to playing all of these stupid games. I would have thought that they would have enough business without all of the gamesmanship! Whoever is in charge of their marketing divisions is either a true genius....or exactly the opposite.

If the ongoing carrot scenario is driving up demand and resulting in extra profit...I guess it is the former...if not ( which is what i would actually expect) it is the latter. Either way, the taste it leaves in the consumers mouth is not one that is pleasant...and it should result ultimately in losses. Unfortunately, there still seem to be many folks who will bow to whatever tactics the unscrupulous marketeers will lay on them...and still come back for more. Question is are there enough who will tell them to shove it?
Thanks to this thread I am out another $200!  I have the Brothers In Arms MOFI, but didn't have any of the others and had to go look at Music Direct... and ordered the other four.  Good to hear they should be shipping soon.  Making Movies was shown as being in stock.
I also just got notified, by Music Direct,  my 2 LPs (Love Over Gold ordered 6/17/17 and Dire Straits ordered 11/20/18) are ready to ship. Good job I am a patient man!
My copy has scratches on side 2 private investigations, anybody else have a problem with their cop?