MOG to shut down, replaced by Beats Music

MOG is being replaced by Beats Music. It seems the cost is going from $5 per month to $10 per month. The MOG shut down is in April.

Does anyone have more info on Beats Music? Will the features of MOG be on the Beats Music web site?

Showing 3 responses by loomisjohnson

i continue to have mixed feelings about beats. perhaps i'm being reactionary, but i don't and probably won't like it as much as mog, which is/was simpler and meatier. beats ui continues to confound--there's too much stimulus and too much effort to get to the actual music you want to play. the curated playlists have some appeal--it's occasionally nice to let the site do the selecting for you--but in its effort to be all things to all people the lists err on the side of over-inclusiveness; beats doesn't have an equivalent to mog radio, which locked you much more tightly into the precise sound you're craving. beats' sq is equivalent to mog, altho it's still buggy as hell (they seem to be beta testing), eons better than pandora or slacker. spotify still looms as a viable option. a quandry within a conundrum.
i posted my initial impressions of beats on another thread. i'm still undecided if i'm gonna go with beats or spotify when mog shuts down---i'm impressed with beats sq and depth of catalog but a bit frustrated with their over-busy ui and useless-to-me features like social media and left-field recommendations. spotify has simpler interface and somewhat ambiguously claims that like beats they stream 99% of their stuff in 320kb (and use ogg format, which is supposed to be superior to mp3), but users seem to be skeptical. in any event, i'll miss mog.
i'm using spotify, having tried beats already. spotify has the library, and the sq is comparable to mog (some say better because they use ogg instead of mp3), though i find the interface less intuitive and more confusing--it's harder to simply set up and/or scroll through a play queue, though still better than beats. they also seem to provide less artist/album info than mog. time will tell.