Mogami wire quality?

Say compared to Cardas? 
i use mogami w2497 high end single ended interconnect from amp to preamp. this is mogami’s audiophile interconnect; look it up. it is very quiet and sounds great. plus it’s made in japan, not china or a third world country.
187 posts
12-07-2016 2:46pm
No one on earth has proven that super high-end audio cables enhance the performance of a hi-fi system. The opposite has been proven over and over...."

Chris r..... NOT SO. The opposite has indeed been reported as highlighted below.


I had a chance to sit in on a couple demonstrations in the Nordost room, giving my feet a well deserved break. I’m very familiar with the benefits of high quality cables and use a full Nordost Heimdall 2 loom with my reference two-channel setup. That being said, I always find the Nordost demonstrations to be an “ear-opening” experience. Michael Taylor from Nordost demonstrated the significant sonic benefits of replacing an OEM cable with a Nordost model – in particular 1) a swap of a single USB cable, from OEM to Nordost Blue Heaven ($250/2m), to Heimdall 2 ($500/2m) and; 2) a swap of a single RCA interconnect, from OEM, to Blue Heaven, to Heimdall 2, to Tyr 2 and finally Valhalla 2. Along with convincing the audience in the room that cables DO matter, I’ve now got the bug to upgrade..."

From the Cardas website...

Capacitance reported for Cardas Clear Interconnect 
RCA Capacitance: 16 pf/ft
XLR Capacitance: 8 pf/ft

Measurements for Cardas Clear Speaker Cable
Capacitance: 278 pf/ft
Inductance: .0176 uh/ft

Correct me if i'm wrong . Wasn't Nordost busted for playing a cd with the same tracks recorded to play back inherently louder and they would swap cables in and the higher up in the line the cd track played louder and seemed better quality therein ?
The reason Mogami does not have ten different models i believe is the consumers of their wire realize that paying more money for copper wire is foolish and unnecessary .They cant make anything carry a signal better so they cannot charge more for "different" wire.