Best ear plugs for both sound quality and reduction

Any recommendations for ear plugs used mainly for live music? Not alot of info on the interwebs. 
Etymotic, Eargasm, Vibes, Hears all seem OK but like anything audio, it's about fit. (In this case literally) Other solution is getting a custom one made from an audiologist. 


I got custom-molded ones from my audiologist; custom-molded earplugs for musicians would be the gold standard, I should think. 

+1 I had my audiologist custom fit a pair of Etymotic Custom Musicians Earplugs with three attenuator options for different applications. I believe the 15db, mid attenuation one has the flattest response. I don't believe there is a better option out there.

Etymotic Custom Musicians Earplugs

Tight band in a smallish club and the sound was clear and clean with excellent overall sound quality. Except it was unbelievably, punched in the chest loud. I survived it using FLARE AUDIO Isolate earplugs. Anyone unprotected must be regretting it. 

I use the Loop Ear Plugs.  They are popular with my concert going friends.  Inexpensive and do the job.  They come with a variety of swappable size adaptors.  Cheers

I used to use Kleenex until I realized the sound in concerts is terrible and too loud and I do not like looking at musicians... I like listening to music, and for rock and amplified concerts it sounds much better at home. I haven't gone to an amplified concert in over fifteen years. 


Like others have mentioned, customed fitted by an audiologist are your best option. I have Westone with three attenuator selections.



Thanks for all the input. I agree that a custom fit is the best option. I may order something in the meantime to have on hand, like the loop or etymotic off the shelf. 

By all accounts custom-fit are the best, but for an inexpensive option, I've been very happy with the Etymotic ER20. I've been wearing these at live concerts for years. I haven't tried others, but I've been very happy with the level of attenuation as well as the frequency balance that they provide.  Pro tip: Keep a pair in your car so you're always prepared.



Another vote for the Etymotic ER20. For about a decade I attended a lot of very loud shows and these always did the trick. During that time I had a recording studio in my houses where I recorded local bands and I bought these by the dozen to give to my clients. I would lecture them about hearing protection and give each band member a pair.

This was in the early days of the internet so I would call and order a dozen pair at a time. By the third time I did this I got to know the guy who answered the phone and he finally asked me what I was doing with all these earplugs. I told him and he enthusiastically sold them to me at wholesale (they were pretty cheap anyway). Everytime I ordered we would have a conversation about what I was doing and the guy would tell me interesting stories from his end. Fun memories.

Went to see Wishbone Ash and forgot my earplugs. Had to leave. Anyhow I’ve tried numerous options. No such thing as perfect. 
I went back to Etymotic. But upgraded to the ER20XS

Used and still use the regular ER20. Great for muffling crying babies while flying.