Monitor Audio Studio 20SE vs. GR20 or GR60

Anybody could compare the famous MA Studio 20SE with the new Gold Reference series.
Many years ago I listened the Studio 20 and they are fantastic.
I want to buy MA speakers, but unfortunally I couldn´t find the Studio 20SE, so I can´t compare them with the new GR20 and GR60.
Please let me know your opinions and if you could listen both series.
No Sony the magic is not gone. You just don't have the right equipment or the proper set up. I've had many many speakers in the past and to me the Studio Series is still a wonderful speaker. I've used them in audio and video and there just great great speakers. I with out question disagree with you. Some people out there just don't have them set up properly and usually have poor equipment!!!!!There very revealing and can not be as good as they can be if you don't have them set up properly. You rarely ever see a pair of old Studio Gold series for sale either. I know these speakers upside and down and there still very hard to " BEAT"
The MA GS 60s is a very under rated speaker. And you are right, so many people do not have them set up right. Many are pairing them with not so good receivers, have a rack stand/TV between them, and have them back all the way against the wall. These speakers seem to be a big hit with people that using them mainly in a home theatre type situation. For music, if you set them up right, pair them with complimentary components, and your right, this is a very hard speaker to beat. How or why they do not get as much attention from the "audiophile" crowd I have not idea. IMO, they are great, especially for their price.
oops, I see you were talking about the Studio series not the newer Gold Signature series. Sorry.