Monitors for a bedroom system.......

Hi guys, I always like the great advice I get here. I am setting up a bedroom system for the 30-45 minutes it takes me to fall asleep. I tend to play ambient stuff to help me nod off. Anything with great, deep soundstage, clarity, neutrality? The speakers have to have presence at low volumes. In fact, they only need to play at low volumes. Placement restrictions will force them to sit about 6 inches from the wall. I can spend about $2000 used.
I wasnt thinking when I sold my Nautilus 805's. Any suggestions??
Quad 11L's at $700 new or about $450 used are among the best small speakers I've owned(including 805 Matrix,Kef Reference,and many others.They sound great,look great(especially in Birdseye maple),and are just ridiculously good at their price!

$2000 is too much to spend for speakers for a bedroom system, given that you will be listening while lying straight out in bed. I have had to go with near rear wall placement and have found that acoustic suspension/sealed box speakers work out best. I am using NHT SB2's, happily for the last year and a half, after trying out quite a few small monitors (EPOS 11 & ELS3; B&W 302; Wharfedale Diamond 8.1). The NHT's will give you all the qualities that you are looking for and sound very good when played low. The NHT SB2s, which list for $400, are being discontinued and are available for about $275 from Audio Advisor. Don't let the price throw you ... the NHT's are a very fine performing, serious speaker.

Components that work well with the NHT SB2's are ... NAD C320BEE with a Music Hall CD25 CD player (total system cost: $1200) or a Prima Luna Prologue Two with a Music Hall CD25 CD player (total system cost $2200).

Regards, Rich
"$2000 is too much to spend for speakers for a bedroom system, given that you will be listening while lying straight out in bed."

Well, maybe not for this person. Everyone is different financially. I think the 805's would be an excellent choice. Although, you should be able to grab the new 805S for about that same price. Even better than the nautilus 805. The other one I would suggest is the Revel M20, or the newer Revel M22. Because of the rear porting and the quite volumes, and close wall placement, the bass should be reinforced nicely.