Monitors that play huge

Looking for a set of monitors that'd fill a 18x25x10 room. Aesthetic is important as they'll be in the living room. Will Dynaudio Confidence C1 be a good fit, esp. in terms of bass performance? And how much better C1 is over Contour S1.4?
Owned S1.4 in the past, currently own B&W 805D. S1.4 definitely has more bass output, but it can be boomy if you are not careful with setup. 805D is more placement friendly, and to me sounds more transparent.

I feel the 805D is a winner. It has a big sound.
Goatwuss, I'm sure the 805Ds do sound stunning, but big? Not quite. I've heard them. Big sound requires real bass. The 805Ds don't have it.
Kzhtoo --

(I have not heard these, but from what I've read they're highly intriguing)
They may not be cheap($18,000/pair), but the OMA Mini's seem to fit the bill:

Excerpt from a review, of sorts:

... When I heard the Minis, the first thing that overwhelmed me was how BIG they sounded. The music had so much body, flesh and bones. Even the music which called for pianissimo had a believable corporeality to it, whereas lesser speakers would make do with wisps and innuendos substituting for pianissimo: people forget that the test of really great speakers capable of true dynamics can be gauged by how they handle the quiet passages. Either with gossamer-like strands of woodwind playing sotto voce or with the tutti scaling the crescendo in full tilt, the Minis effortlessly flooded the room with the sound of the music.

From Stereophile's 'Art Dudley Listening:'

Moreover, you got the added benefit of a higher-then-average sensitivity(95dB) and, by all accounts, dynamic capabilities that will leave smaller, typical hifi-"monitors" far behind.