Morrow Audio Speaker Cables

Came across this company and I’m curious if anyone has experience or comments with their speaker cables from a quality vs cost standpoint.  Thanks for your thoughts. 


Showing 3 responses by tubeguy80

They do make quality cables, in my opinion the SP4 (and MA4 interconnects as well) is probably the sweet spot in terms of value per dollar. The lower models are fine but don't really stand out as much to me. And the higher models are great, but there's so much out there in that price range that it's tough competition. 

I will say I don't care for their XLR cables, due to most of them using the same relatively basic Neutrik connectors. Those are fine for cables in the $200-300 range but if I'm paying double that I want something nicer.

Lastly, they frequently have sales, demo models, etc, so try not to pay full price if you can help it.

They almost always have a big sale, either current or right around the corner. It's the sort of brand I would never buy at full price. I can't say I love that approach but it's not like they are trying to scam anyone either.


That said, they make good cables for what ends up being pretty reasonable prices (after the discounts) so I do think they are worth looking in to.


Agree, the DH Labs connectors are probably at the limit for me in terms of price/performance ratio. Anything "better" will cost far more than it is worth as far as actual contributions to the sound. Sure do love me some Furutech bling but I admit that's mostly aesthetic and I'm not so interested in paying that premium for little to no benefit.

My point was just that some of the mid level Morrow XLR interconnects tend to use basic Neutrik connectors while other brands in that price bracket are using higher quality options. Even the MA7 which starts at $1399 is still using the basic Neutrik, and one must go all the way up to the $3k to get fancier connectors. If I'm spending more than $500 or so I expect something beyond Neutrik. 

Meanwhile the Morrow Audio RCA option is quite nice, and I don't find it out of place on the middle level range.