Morrow SP1 or SP2 cable vs Speltz Anti-Cable?


Trying to decide whether to go with Speltz or Morrow. Your experiences? Thanks! This will be for a new pair of Merlin TSM's.
Cardas is out of my price range for the foreseeable future. In lieu of that, Bobby Palkovich of Merlin recommended "single wire, radially wound copper and around 9 gauge. no silver, ribbon or big gauge solid core."
So I'm wondering now what would come close to that recommendation.

In an earlier post you mentioned a reduction or "narrowing" of the soundstage when using your Anti Cables in a twisted formation. I have noticed a similar narrowing in my sound stage since I put in double shotgun twisted pairs of Anti Cables. One thing to note, however, is that while the width of my soundstage shrunk, the depth actually increased, but this actually places the central image a bit too far away for my liking (actually, it sounds really good on some recordings, but overall I prefer the central image a bit "closer" into the room – behind the speakers by only a few feet).

What did you do to gain back the width of your soundstage (i.e.: how are you set up…bi-wired, jumpers, spacing, etc.)? Did you notice an increase in soundstage depth…if so, was this to your liking? I want to like my Anti Cables, but I think I need to play around with my setup…

Thank you.
I have had these Merlins going on 6 years with 4 different cables.The Anti's are as good as it gets for me,cheers,Bob
Rebbie, I owned 2 sets of Anti-Cables in the past and have the Morrow SP1 now. As far as I'm concerned, the Morrow cables are better. I can only go off memory, but for me they win with better transparency and resolution. If Palkovich said no big gauge solid core for his speakers then I assume smaller gauge solid core cables like Anti-Cables and Morrow SP 1 and 2 are OK?
After extended listening, I found the Anti Cables sounded somewhat artificial and reduced the soundstage noticeably. No such problem with the Morrows - very musical, and highly recommended!
Hoiwever, as cables are so system dependent, I would suggest you try them both in YOUR system - both companies allow trials and returns.