most annoying neighbor?

Just wondering if this topic has ever sprung up on the Gon. I have next door to me, most likley the most annoying neighbor I have ever been accustomed to. Almost all day at low volumes "Thank God" he plays some kind of tom tom music almost ritual in nature even at 5:30am. At the moment as I am typing I can hear, it very faint but it is there like dripping water from a faucet. I have yet to hear anything else from him in terms of identifiable music such as we know just the same over and over and over. I was wondering any fellow Goners ever have the displeasure LOL?
When I lived in my last apartment, a couple of extreme girth moved-in above. It was hard to concentrate on the music when they would tromp-n-stomp up the stairs and even worse when they would have sex(which I don't see how that was possible without some type of marital aid).
Years ago in college I went had a dorm neighbor who was mostly deaf but did have partial hearing (we shared a campus with an excellent school for the deaf, which was otherwise a very rewarding experience). My neighbor was a big fan of Hendrix and cranked it so loud the concrete walls between the rooms would vibrate. Lots of pounding on walls and doors and yelling matches would often ensue (I was not the only one bothered as it would pretty much resonate through the halls of the dorm). Totally ruined Hendrix for me to this day.

Actually.......anyone of us can fit the bill, "the annoying neighbor" who keeps playing the same cut over and over again, as we are auditioning, a/bing, or having that late night listen while the grid is running cool. Okay, now I know why I get dirty looks from my neighbors!

My experience is similar to Jacks2... Some deaf and near deaf girls moved into the then vacant home next door to me. I understand physical challenges all to well. I have more trouble with poor behavior however.

they all worked second shift and after working would crank up the subs as loud as they could get them. I've no problem with loud music usually, but at 2AM? Naturally on their days off party time seemed to keep similar hours. Additionally, the place they all worked at also hired many other hearing imparied folks... so they would routinely hold parties and continue well past midnight with thunderous booming subs shaking even the tables and seats in my home!

I asked numerous times for them to keep it to a quiet roar after midnight... all to no avail. Finally I had to call the police. Several times! They just didn't get the notion of neighborly consideration.

Ultimately they moved on... Peace and quiet again!

Until.... a bass player moved in two months ago! yeah... he plays it loud too... but not late at night, thank God.

The resolution?

Ear plugs.
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