Most expensive Audio disapoinment?

Over the past decade, many different types of technology have come and gone.Some of the components made though quite expensive,they never lived up to consumer satisfaction.I guess I am wondering how many people jump to buy the first of all new technology only to later realize the price always drops after while.Example Pioneer AX10 $5or $7k new, now they are out dated,Door stops.
With any luck, they will bring back the "reel to reel" decks.

More than likely, however, it'll be DVDA recording... in home... Just before another 'new' format change ocurs.
1) Beta - Superior quality poor Sony marketing/licensing
2) Nakamichi ZXL1000 Tape recorder/player... amazing for a tabe but it was still just tape.... I agree about all Dragons that were sold as stated earlier...
3) Sony ES Dat Recorder/player - Loved it for making mixes... Copy protection killed another good medium
4) Pioneer 704 Laserdisc - Flawed Yes! but nothing looked better at the time (especially those rough first 3 years of DVD looked/sounded like crap compared to laserdisc)... Laserdisc rot... that sucks!

5) Toshiba HD-DVD - I hate how SONY has killed and dragged all the high end audio/video formats out because of worrying about their copy protection schemes..... so I'm voting with my pocket book for the other standard.. uggh, on the plus side I don't care if it becomes a paperweight just like my laserdisc player did, because the output is so insanely good on 103" screen that you have to be an early adopter.. what I'm not doing is buying content, just renting so save that bath$$$
I bought a Philips DCC recorder. Remember those? Nah, me neither. I wonder where that thing is right now....
My most expensive audio disappointment is more than likely someone else's pride and joy. I don't think I'll go there.